Baptismal Font at St. John's Lutheran Church


Please visit the office at St. John’s Tuesday or Thursday 9 AM TO 1 PM

or phone the church office



Email: office@



Christ Jesus ordained two Sacraments – Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.

Through Holy Baptism people are adopted into God’s family, receive forgiveness of sins, and are delivered from sin, death, and the devil. God promises that ‘Whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved.” (Mark 16)

Holy Baptism is a means of Grace, where God joins his life-giving Word to the water and “in his mercy saves us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.” (Titus 3)

Pre-baptismal classes with the Pastor are required for the parents and sponsors of infants and young children, as well as for adults wishing to be baptized.

If you desire to be baptized or would like your child baptized, please fill out the following application and submit it to the church office, after which the Pastor will contact you to set up a time for classes.


Luther's Small Catechism for confirmation class at St. John's Lutheran Church


Please visit the office at St. John’s Tuesday or Thursday

9 AM TO 1 PM

or phone the church office



Email: office@


Confirmation is not a Sacrament, but is an ancient rite of the Church in which confirmands publicly say “yes” to Christ by affirming their own baptism, and receive prayer for the stirring up of the Holy Spirit in their lives. The Rite of Confirmation is also a commitment to a life of discipleship and greater personal involvement in the life of the Church.

Confirmands typically complete a course of catechesis prior to confirmation. Upon completion, catechumens apply to Church Council for approval to receive the Rite of Confirmation.


Wedding bouquet for marriage ceremony at St. John's Lutheran Church



Please visit the office at St. John’s Tuesday or Thursday

9 AM TO 1 PM

or phone the church office



Email: office@


A Christian wedding is the joining together of a man and a woman in Holy Matrimony. Christian marriage is grounded in, and is a reflection of, God’s unconditional and unfailing love for His people.

Marriage is a holy estate, and the man and the woman exchange sacred vows before God to be faithful to each other until death. Thus a Christian wedding is an act of worship in which God blesses the life-long union of the man and the woman.

Please review “Guiding Principles for a Christian Wedding” and make an appointment for the course of marriage preparation and counselling with the Pastor which is required.


Flowers for love and remembrance at St. John's Lutheran Church funeral rite.


Please visit the CONNECT page and fill out the ‘Contact Us’ form.  Enter “funeral inquiry” into the message or

phone the church office


The Christian funeral is a solemn rite through which the Church remembers believers in Christ who die, and commits them to Almighty and Merciful God. During the funeral the sure and certain hope in Jesus Christ is proclaimed and the comfort of God’s promises are brought to those who mourn.

For Christians death is a time of both sorrow and joy; sorrow because of loss, but joy because death marks the point of entrance into eternity with Christ and everlasting life for all who believe in him.

As our Lord Jesus Christ said in John 11:25-26: “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.”

For more information on funerals at St. John’s please request St, John’s funeral policy, cemetery policy and schedule of fees from the office.